A piece I did for an illustration workshop that I attended several months ago - seemed appropriate for this week's IF theme. We were supposed to attempt to mimic the style of another illustrator that we admired ... not sure if I got it right, but it was an interesting exercise.
I saw the illustration, and immediatly got a smile on my lips :D Nice One!
Ha! The turtle is "suspending" the rabbit. And, the image is suspenseful!
Nice work
Great illustration. One reason that makes me like it may be the fact that I do not like rabbits, but I think the main reason is that it is a great drawing. Nice expressions of the characters!
Great illustration of "suspense!" I love the lines.
We'll see how lucky that rabbit's foot is! Good illustration along with the rest you have here. :)
I was gonna say something like scottspinks did so I won't bore you by saying it again!! Nice work..good drawings on your blog.
Thanks for all the comments & feedback! Really appreciate it, especially since this is my first post on this site.
wonderful illustration, the evil turtle is great
Great illustration! I'm curious: Who was the illustrator who's style you did mimic here?
Koosje - I was trying to capture Gris Grimly's style (are you familiar with his work?). In the end, it still felt like one of my own drawings with a couple of "Grimly flourishes". It's an interesting way to analyze another illustrator's technique/approach, though.
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